The inside scoop of the girls basketball starters:
How did it feel to be able to start at your first varsity game of the season?
Ryley DeMaro: Super exciting and a little nervous
Ashley Heller: Meant a lot to start my last first game. Rewarding because of hard work I have put in.
Annemarie Boeh:Really cool because you know your hard work paid off.
Hannah Stohr: Exciting to start for my last year at ONW.
Were you nervous about the game?
DeMaro: I was not nervous, I was very relaxed and did not have time to really think about it.
Heller: I was more excited to play in front of our big crowd, because they are there supporting us. HYPED!
Boeh: Little nervous because it was the first time using the new offense and has been a while since playing in front of a lot of people.
Stohr: Not really nervous because I am use to it because I did it last year.
How do you think you played?
DeMaro: Personally, I don't think I played my best but I don't think I played bad. As a team we played well.
Heller: I think I played pretty well for a first game. We know what we need to improve on now, and for a first game I think I played the best I could.
Boeh: As a team we played very well overall, and we are only going to get better from here on out. Personally I played well.
Stohr: I struggled on defense a little, Making a lot of tacky fouls.
What was the highlight of the game for you?
DeMaro: Making the first three of the season.
Heller: When Ryley got blocked and I got the ball and I passed it to Sami and she got the ball and scored at the end of the third quarter.
Boeh: When we got a 10 second call our way, it really changed the momentum our way and was high intensity.
Stohr:It was pretty exciting how the team and the crowd really came together and we were really excited for each other.
How did it feel to score your first points of the season?
DeMaro: It was pretty exciting, just glad I didn't air ball my first shot of the season.
Heller: My first points of the season was an "and 1" so I mean that was kinda cool, I was excited and hype.
Boeh: It felt good on how the season started.
Stohr: It was nice to contribute to the team.
What do you look forward to as you play more this season?
DeMaro: I look forward to running more offense and defense and getting closer to a lot of the girls, and just having a fun time even if games don't go our way.
Heller: Our team is already really close as it is, we started a bond last year and we haven't lost many of our girls from that team, also we know that we have to stay together.
Boeh: I'm looking forward to spending time with all these great people and playing together, and working together.
Stohr: I'm excited to have more fun as the year goes on.
What do you think you can improve on after this first game?
DeMaro: I think I can improve more on defense, but thats always been my weakest point.
Heller: I had a lot of layups and drives that didn't go in so I can improve on offense.
Boeh: On defense learning the new aspect on how we are playing, and as a team w could be a little better on our out of bounds plays.
Stohr:I would rather not foul so much next time.
How do you think the offense and defence did?
DeMaro: I think it went very well.
Heller: I think the first game showed us what we need to do well on.
Boeh: There are somethings we can work on and improve on but, over all I think we did a really good job.
Stohr: It weas really nice that a lot of our shots fell early , it gave us a lot of confidence.
What are some pregame rituals that you participate in?
DeMaro: Personally I don't have any pre-game rituals.
Heller: I am so superstitious, I always put my left shoe, knee pad, left everything on first.
Boeh: I always have to wear my hair in a bun, and i have to use 3 hair ties.
Stohr: I don't really have any pre game rituals.
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