Friday, March 27, 2015

Fourth and Final Season

Forth Season
Olathe Northwest Diver Mikelle Read has been on the Olathe Northwest swim and dive team for the past 3 years and is now a senior taking on her leadership role on the team for her forth and final year.
"I'm excited to be a senior this season and have a leadership role because I'm really close to a lot of the girls and look forward to getting closer with the new divers," said Mikelle Read.
IMG_1307The team this season consists of three returning individuals (Mikelle Read, Lana Herman, and Carly Stroup), and three newcomers (Jessie PayneAmy Anderson, and Madison Fentimen)
Many individuals have different reasons to get involved with diving but Read had some help by her classmates.
IMG_1280"My best friend Allison Thomas tried to recruit me into diving when I was little, and I never really took it seriously and in high school I was like "why not?" and joined diving," said Read.
So far this season
So far this season, they've only participated in one competition, the Olathe Invitational.
During the Olathe Invitational (March 25th-26th) the girls put the Olathe Northwest Swimming team in first place after the diving portion of the competition.
All of the girls who competed 11 dives placed in the top eight. Jessie Payne (4th), Carly Stroup (5th), Mikelle Read (6th), Lana Herman (7th), and Maddie Fentimen (8th).
"I think the team [this season] is better than other seasons. We have a lot of IMG_1282good divers and all of the personalities are good as well,"  said Read.
Even though this is just the first meet of the season, the girls have high hopes and dreams for the rest of the season.
"My goal for this season is to do well at league, I'm not sure if I will make it to state this season, but the ultimate goal is to just have fun," said Read.
Coming up
IMG_1346The next competition is next Wednesday April 1st. The meet is located at Blue Valley North, at 4:00.
This competition is both swimming and diving, so the diving portion of the meet will happen in the middle between swimming events.
 All results will be posted in the 2015 results tab on the ONW Swimming and Diving Website.
For more information on everything Swimming and diving, go to the ONW Swimming and diving Website, or if you have any questions about diving please contact Coach Robert Ayers

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